Mochi Things: The Best Way to Bullet Journal and Save Your Sanity

I started bullet journaling (mine is not this put together) a while ago because it’s really great for self-care, keeps me organized, and as a writer allows me to keep notes of every weird thing that anyone says in my vicinity ever (my friends hate this about me). But I’ve had a hard time using my bullet journal as a planner because I fill up my journals so quickly with daily notes that I had to start new notebooks constantly and re-draw my monthly and weekly planners over and over again.

My brain is a looney bin. It’s chaos in there and without a system to stay organized I have a hard time staying on top of things, I get overwhelmed, anxious, and confused and instead of being productive I’ll spend hours Googling, “who was Jeffrey Dahmer,” or “Do ducks really have corkscrew penises?”  So I need a simple way to plan out my month, keep notes, make lists, jot down blog post ideas, doodle, write stories, to stay on top of life so I can actually get things done.

Recently I started to look for a better solution and came across Mochi Things. I’d never heard of the company before but holy shit, I’m obsessed with them now. I immediately ordered the MYO String Tie A5 Planner Organizer in black (like my soul), the monthly notebook and the weekly notebook. I plan on using my regular A5 (from Amazon) dot notebooks for everything else I need.


I just got my order today and it’s perfect. The organizer fits 6 A5 notebooks, has a space for earbuds, pens, and cards. So I can basically put my entire life in one place: My monthly planner, weekly planner, daily bullet journal, sketchbook, and idea/draft notebook for book/essay ideas, etc. I’ll post some photos and a video on my Instagram page so you can see exactly how I’m using it, but ya’ll, I’m in love. I feel so organized I might actually celebrate by doing nothing this weekend but watch eighties hits and stare at a wall. Winning hard.

PS. This is NOT a sponsored post. I didn’t get paid in money or goats to write about Mochi. I’m just way into it right now.


2 thoughts on “Mochi Things: The Best Way to Bullet Journal and Save Your Sanity

  1. As someone who is obsessively organized, these Mochi things appeal to me tremendously. However, if I got one (or everything they make), I would spend all my time “organizing” and no time actually “doing”. So for now, I will stick with my (very) old school Week-At-A-Glance/Daytimer calendars I buy each year at Staples. SOMEtimes, when I’m feeling particularly ambitious, I will take a blank, unlined sheet of paper from my printer and make lists under the headings, “Now”, “Month”, “Quarter”, “Year”, listing out things to do or goals. And when doing long-term travel planning, then the big guns come out: Excel spreadsheets!

    Isn’t being organized FUN?! Oy. Have a great weekend, M.E. xo

    1. Haha I feel you! I also do the Now, Month, Quarter, Year goal lists. I usually make them at a coffee shop and spend hours on them like a lunatic. Funny story: that’s kind of how I ended up in Italy. Lol

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